Wednesday 13 February 2013

Screen grabs from "Rail Station"

The past weekend, I shot a short, again on the RED MX, with arri ultra primes... for what else would you shoot on? I genuinely think we had one of the best crews in the country working in every department, and by far the best craic! I can't quite put into words my gratitude for my own department made up of 'Twitchy Fingers', Tommy Fitzgerald pulling the focus...and Mike 'bubbles' Gilbert. I couldn't have asked for better, you two make me look competent, I am forever in your debt. To Sean Plunkett and Steve Jackson... I'm sorry about the amount of wide shots... thank you for not pummeling me to death...! Directed by Chris Brennan.

So here's a few screen grabs... RAW footage, with no grade and no tweaking as of yet. 

Monday 4 February 2013

Screen grabs from "Dog eat Dog"

I shot a short at the beginning of December on the Red MX and only now am I getting around to uploading some of the screen grabs. Starring the ever brilliant Brian Fortune, Tim McDonnell, Kevin Sharkey, Eddie Jackson and Tristan Heanue. They were an intense few days... and we've still two to go in the following few weeks, but thanks to everyone who helped out we have a pretty special little short on our hands. Directed by Gav McDonnell.