Sunday 4 May 2014

Screen grabs from "Maisey"

At the end of February I shot a short film over two days, directed by Tommy Fitzgerald. "Maisey" is a dark drama about a fallout of a relationship, the bitterness and raw consequences for a child who gets sorely neglected as those around her lose sight of what truly matters. Starring Tim McDonnell and Maura Foley as the father and mother of Maisey, played beautifully by five year old Avalilly Durkin. Maura's sister is played by Allison Ryan, her first time infront of the camera, not that you would know it.   Shot on the RED MX with Michael Gilbert on focus, Susan Gorzalczynska as 2nd assistant camera, Niall Cutler gaffing, JJ Sullivan as key grip and Dylan Knapp downloading. 

It's seldom you can say that a job was as relaxed as "Maisey" was, although we've all worked together before, this was a new dynamic and hand on heart was one of the most enjoyable jobs I've had as a cinematographer. 

Makeup by Susan Kenny, production design by Aoife Murray, costume by Tania Persechini, 1st Ad Kev Hannigan, sound recordist Mick Duncan. Produced by Richard Bolger.

Edited by Conor Fitzpatrick, and soon to be graded by the man himself Ian "debreezer" de Bri. 
Raw footage, ungraded. 

Friday 7 March 2014

Screen grabs from "Bridge Station"

I thought that I should include some of the graded, polished and finalised screen grabs from the short "Bridge Station", originally named rail station, that I shot in March of 2013. I shan't reiterate all the thanks and such as I have already done so in relation to this short in a previous post, but you know who you are, and by jaysus the craic was mighty on that gig!! 

Colour grade by Ian De Bri, as always... 

Thursday 27 February 2014

Screen grabs from "Stalker"

In February 2012, on the back of having worked with Eoin Macken on his horror feature "The Inside" and subsequently "Charlie Casanova", Eoin was asked to shoot Mark O'Connor's third feature film "Stalker". It was to be a two camera set up, both Canon 5D mark ii's with myself and mac operating over an eleven day shoot. I had the pleasure of working with some incredible people, namely though certainly not limited to: Mark O'Connor, TJ O'Grady Peyton, Jonny Connors, Barry Keoghan, Peter Coonan, Mary Murray, Katy Monahan, Christian Byrne, Brian Beamish to name but a few! actors and crew alike, and got to DP a segment of the film for two days while Eoin had other commitments. The film has received mixed reviews, just as "Charlie Casanova" did, on which it was inspired, yet failed to get acceptance at festivals due to its political and somewhat brash nature and subject matter. Finally, last night it premiered at movies@dundrum, with the likes of Jim Sheridan, Sinead O'Connor and Damien Dempsey in attendance... Not a bad aul start. So, with that here are a few screen grabs from my section of the film. 

Thursday 28 November 2013

Screen grabs from "Flat Rock"

In early September I shot a famine related short directed and written by Kenny Leigh. Attempting to replicate the countryside of famine addled Ireland in 1847 proved to be slightly limiting, with the commonplace of electricity lines and modern structures scattered around even the most remote parts of the Dublin mountains. However after much scouting "the white road" by Sally's gap became our location. A short about the ritual of transporting a body to the deceaseds family during the famine and the encapsulated madness that hunger bestows. Shot handheld on the Sony F5, with Zeiss compact primes. Mike Gilbert on focus pulling duties, DIT by the ever enthusiastic Donal Corkery, with Adrian Moylan loading. Produced by Richard Bolger. More screengrabs to follow as the edit progresses. 

Sunday 6 October 2013

"I don't mind" - Shannon and the Shortcuts

And here's the link to the final project!
Edited by: Eamon Cleary
Colour grading by: Ian De Bri

Screen grabs from "I don't mind" - Shannon and the shortcuts

It's safe to say that I've been ignoring this of late... but I do plan on getting better at updating! I have a load of screen grabs from a number of different projects that I need to upload, which I will do after this week. For now here are two screen grabs from a recent music video I shot, with the gorgeous Shannon O'Connor and the shortcuts at the end of August.

Shot on the Sony F5, with ultra primes. Thanks to Barry Doyle, who focus pulled for me, and Adrian Moylan who manned the clapperboard. Directed by Michael Rob Costine, produced by Richard Bolger. Costume by Pilar Castro, Make-Up by Nicki Buglewicz. Who else can say that they get to shoot jugglers, clowns and scarecrows... for a living... I think it's safe to say, we all had fun on this one! As per usual, both shots are ungraded.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Screen grabs from "Rail Station"

The past weekend, I shot a short, again on the RED MX, with arri ultra primes... for what else would you shoot on? I genuinely think we had one of the best crews in the country working in every department, and by far the best craic! I can't quite put into words my gratitude for my own department made up of 'Twitchy Fingers', Tommy Fitzgerald pulling the focus...and Mike 'bubbles' Gilbert. I couldn't have asked for better, you two make me look competent, I am forever in your debt. To Sean Plunkett and Steve Jackson... I'm sorry about the amount of wide shots... thank you for not pummeling me to death...! Directed by Chris Brennan.

So here's a few screen grabs... RAW footage, with no grade and no tweaking as of yet. 

Monday 4 February 2013

Screen grabs from "Dog eat Dog"

I shot a short at the beginning of December on the Red MX and only now am I getting around to uploading some of the screen grabs. Starring the ever brilliant Brian Fortune, Tim McDonnell, Kevin Sharkey, Eddie Jackson and Tristan Heanue. They were an intense few days... and we've still two to go in the following few weeks, but thanks to everyone who helped out we have a pretty special little short on our hands. Directed by Gav McDonnell.